Visma Fivaldi API provides modern and flexible possibilities to integrate other systems and services with Visma Fivaldi. Integrations can be used for real time data transfer between Fivaldi and external systems and to automate tasks.

The API is based on REST and JSON formats and documented using OpenAPI specification. These instructions contain information on how to integrate with Visma Fivaldi and what are the most typical use cases.

If you are a software vendor and interested in building an integration with your system, read the section Visma Fivaldi API for Integration partners.

If you are a customer of Visma Fivaldi and interested in taking an existing integration in use or building a custom integration for your own use, read Visma Fivaldi API for customers.

You can read the descriptions of the different API resources in these instructions and more detailed documentation of the API calls in the OpenAPI documentation. Check the most recent changes to the API interfaces in the API change log.

Other integration interfaces

Documentation for earlier versions of Fivaldi integration interfaces:

We recommend using the Fivaldi API as these earlier versions will be deprecated at some point. 

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