This resource provides a number of methods used to get and post Sales orders to Fivaldi Sales management (Myynninhallinta). Please note that this resource cannot be used for data related to other Fivaldi sales invoicing applications, such as Tilaustenkäsittely or Sopimuslaskutus.

When creating Sales orders using the API, each sales order will get an external BatchID, that can be used for audit trail logging. The BatchID (Ulkoinen erätunnus) is also available in the Fivaldi user interface.

GET /sales/company-invoicing-details

This method is used to retrieve company specific invoicing details. As Fivaldi allows company specific customization, this method must usually be used to retrieve the configuration used by that company for which Sales orders are created through the API.

The values cannot be altered when creating Sales orders and include:

  • Posting groups
  • Currencies
  • Payment terms
  • Delivery methods
  • Delivery terms
  • Sales persons
  • Customer ids
  • Accounting dimension accounts
  • Units
  • Product postings

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /sales/sales-orders/batch/{externalBatchId}

This method is used to retrieve the sales orders created in one batch.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /sales/sales-orders

This method is used to retrieve a list of Sales orders. Optional search filters are the creation date and Sales order status (draft/invoiced). It is recommended to filter the Sales orders by creation date instead of always retrieving full history.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /sales/sales-order/{id}

This method is used to retrieve one Sales order.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

PUT /sales/sales-order/{id}

This method is used to update an existing Sales order in Fivaldi. The Sales order must be in Draft status (luonnos).

The method requires that you provide several internal ID values corresponding to the configuration used by that company. Use GET /companies/{cuid}/sales/company-invoicing-details to retrieve the needed values. The method will validate all used ID’s and provide descriptive error messages if the values are not valid.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

POST /sales/sales-order

This method is used to create a Sales order in Fivaldi.

The method requires that you provide several internal ID values corresponding to the configuration used by that company. Use GET /companies/{cuid}/sales/company-invoicing-details to retrieve the needed values. The method will validate all used ID’s and provide descriptive error messages if the values are not valid.

The method will return the external BatchID that can be used for audit trail purposes or to later retrieve the sales orders.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

POST /sales/multiple-sales-orders

This method is used to create multiple Sales orders in the same batch.

The method requires that you provide several internal ID values corresponding to the configuration used by that company. Use GET /companies/{cuid}/sales/company-invoicing-details to retrieve the needed values. The method will validate all used ID’s and provide descriptive error messages if the values are not valid.

The method will return the external BatchID that can be used for audit trail purposes or to later retrieve the sales orders.

Required access level for Partner account: Myynninhallinta - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

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