This resource provides methods to retrieve and create vouchers in Fivaldi accounting (Kirjanpito)

GET /bookkeeping/voucherTypes

This method is used to retrieve Voucher types (tositelaji) for a company. As Fivaldi allows company specific customization, this method must usually be used to retrieve the configuration used by that company for which Vouchers are created through the API.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/vatCodes

This method is used to retrieve company specific VAT codes and settings. As Fivaldi allows company specific customization, this method must usually be used to retrieve the configuration used by that company for which Vouchers are created through the API.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/fiscalYears

This method is used to retrieve the status for Fiscal years (tilikaudet) for a company.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/vouchers

This method is used to retrieve the Vouchers (kirjanpidon tositteet) for a company for a specific date range.

Additional query parameters, such as Voucher type (voucherType), Account range (minAccount, maxAccount) and dimensions can be used to filter the results.

It is recommended to design the integration logic so that only relevant vouchers are retrieved using a date range to filter out results that have already been retrieved earlier.

A single voucher can also be retrieved by using the voucher's number.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

POST /bookkeeping/vouchers

This method is used to create a voucher into Fivaldi accounting.

The method requires that you provide some parameters corresponding to the configuration used by that company, i.e. voucherTypeId and vatCode as well as the CUID. Use GET  /bookkeeping/vatCodes and GET /bookkeeping/voucherTypes to retrieve the needed values. The method will validate the used parameters and provide descriptive error messages if the values are not valid.

The vouchers are processed by this method one at a time in Fivaldi, so as not to reserve Fivaldi bookkeeping resources for longer periods of time.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/accountBalance

This method is used to retrieve the ‘end of month’-account balances for a specific month.

Additional query parameters for the Account range (minAccount, maxAccount) can be used to filter the results.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/vouchers/attachments?voucherNumber={voucherNumber}&voucherType={voucherTypeId}

This method is used to retrieve the file ids of the attachment files added to the voucher. Voucher number and voucher type id are mandatory parameters for this API.

The response JSON shows file ids of voucher’s attached files.

To retrieve the files from archive user shall use the archive method /archive/files/{fileId} which is described in archive section of this document.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

POST /bookkeeping/vouchers/addAttachments

This method is for importing an attachment file to an existing voucher in Fivaldi bookkeeping. The file is saved in the Fivaldi archive. Mandatory parameters for this API are file path and name, journal number and voucher type id.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/monthStatus?startMonth={start month}&endMonth={end month}

This method is used to retrieve the status of any given month in bookkeeping. You need to give the timeframe, and the response gives you the status (open or closed) of each month within that timeframe.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

GET /bookkeeping/budget

This method is used to retrieve a budget from Fivaldi. You need to give the fiscal year of the budget you wish to retrieve. The response gives you all of the budgets created in Fivaldi for the given fiscal year.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - käyttö

OpenAPI documentation

POST /bookkeeping/budget

This method is used to import a budget into Fivaldi. Mandatory parameters for this API endpoint are budgetId, fiscalYearId, budgetName, and at least one budgetEntries.

In order to be able to import a budget into Fivaldi, the fiscal year has to be open, the bookkeeping period has to be a part of the given fiscal year, the given accounts and dimensions have to exist in the company's chart of accounts, and the budget name has to be unique.

Required access level for Partner account: Kirjanpito - lisäys

OpenAPI documentation

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